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Vaccuming up sin

Yesterday as I was Hoovering the bedroom (that’s what my grandmother used to call it), I was thinking about how much I enjoy vacuuming. You plug in the machine, push/pull it across the carpet and, MAGIC!, it’s clean.  I...

Today can be "someday"

Cleaning up and finding space I’m using some of this time where we are externally forced to slow down, to clean out different areas of our house. One of the first areas that we focused on was a small room (about 8x8) that is in the back...

7 Things You Can Do To Inspire And Encourage Your Audience Today

Here are 7 things you can do -- both online and offline -- to provide value to your audience. A couple of them are offline actions, just between you and God or between you and another person. And then several of the other ones are specifically for...

Bouncing back & showing up

Did you have a bouncy ball when you were a kid? One of those small quarter-sized balls that bounced in every direction when you dropped it on the ground?  I didn’t have the best hand-eye coordination as a kid. Well, let’s face it....

Passing the Peace

In the Lutheran church I grew up in, every Sunday we’d “pass the peace” by greeting each other and shaking hands. I always wondered about the phrase “passing the peace” because it just seemed to me that we were just...
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